Storytelling: My daily routine

Poď sa učiť hovorovú angličtinu z bežného života. Zlepši si tak svoj posluch, porozumenie, výslovnosť, slovnú zásobu ale aj gramatiku.

Nižšie nájdeš:

  • podcast, ktorý si vieš vypočuť
  • článok, kde je napísaný text, ktorý hovorím v podcaste
  • otázky, aby si zistil, či si správne porozumel hovorenému slovu

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My daily routine:

Let me tell you about my daily routine, although each day looks a bit different. My alarm is set to 5:45 am and honestly… I can´t remember the last time I woke up so early. I usually snooze it until 6am. When the alarm set off, I get up. The first stop is the bathroom, obviously. I think everybody goes to the bathroom first. I slowly start opening my eyes, wash them and slowly walk back to the bedroom. I have to make my bed first thing in the morning. When I do that, I take it as a small win and I feel ready to start my day.

I would be lying if I said that I make the most amazing breakfast every morning. Usually I´m just too lazy to do that. Of course I whip something up, but it doesn´t satisfy me that much because it´s crap. This is one of the things I need to work on because right now, I don´t have a great morning routine and I wish it was different.

I consider myself an early bird. My brain just wants to work since the minute it wakes up. I start my computer on my way to the bathroom, so as soon as I change to my work clothes, I want to sit at the table and work.

My lessons start at 7am but as you may have already noticed, I start work 30 minutes before that. I check my emails, create a to-do list and then prepare the material for the lessons. I love the early morning sessions with my students. Yeaaah, I know, not that many people enjoy learning at 7AM, but I am so grateful for the older generation that does. The lessons last for 5 hours, so more or less until noon. When I finish speaking to my students, I write what we did to the attendance sheet and then send them emails with new vocabulary, grammar or homework, if they asked for it. When everything is done, I try to make myself some lunch. Some days are better, some are worse. On the worse days, I use Bolt Food and my lunch is delivered to my doorstep. I don´t necessarily like to do that, though, because I have stomach issues and it doesn´t work with all of the ingredience that restaurants put in their food aaand honestly, delivery is freaking expensive! If I eat something that irritates my digestion, it hurts and I have cramps for hours, so it´s much better for me to cook.

My afternoons are dedicated to running the company and doing all the back office work necessary. What is that, you may ask… Well, that means communicating with new students, our current students, my amazing colleagues, scheduling the lessons, sending out invoices, having introductory meetings, creating tasks for language coaching, putting up new lessons to our website, updating the web, creating podcasts…. and right now, I´m working on a handbook that you will use during our course for beginners. I´m so happy about it and I can´t wait for the course to start. I hope you´ll love it as much as I do, I´m really pouring my heart out.

Some days, I work until 8 or 9PM, but I try, at least two days of the week, to go to the gym. I love weightlifting and seeing the progress. It motivates me to be better and better. My goal in the next months is to create a running routine. Start with an easy one day a week and then hopefully add more days.

Evenings differ too. Some days I stay at home and watch Youtube, Netflix or Disney and other days I spend time with my boyfriend and friends. I love that we started playing board games. I´m a huge fan, but for so long there was nobody to play with. After the beautiful day, I take a shower, wash my face and brush my teeth and fall onto my bed exhausted…. and the cycle repeats itself.

Otázky na porozumenie:

  1. When do I actually wake up?
  2. Do I make my bed before I go to the bathroom?
  3. Am I an early bird or a night owl?
  4. At what time during the day do I have lessons with my students?
  5. Do I always cook at home?
  6. What do I do in the afternoon?
  7. Am I a runner?
  8. Have my friends always wanted to play board games?

Kľúč: 1) At 6am. 2) No, first you go to the bathroom. 3) You´re an early bird. 4) From 7am until noon. 5) No, you sometimes use food delivery service. 6) You do the back office work. 7) No, but you want to become one. 8) No, they have recently started to enjoy it.

Prihlás sa na odber noviniek

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  1. Monika píše:

    Aj mne sa tento podcast veľmi páčil, veľa som porozumela a super je že som si mohla súbežne s podcastom alebo následne prečítať aj text

  2. Marian píše:

    tak toto bol úžasný podcast…som u vás na bloku kratšie, knižky som moc nepočúval, ale takýto podcast o bežných veciach s úžasnou angličtinou bol naozaj úžasný…veľa som aj rozumel, keďže išlo o tému bežných veci…

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