Frázové slovesá so slovom COME

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Poznáš význam nasledujúcich frázových slovies so slovom COME, ktoré je veľmi často používané?

Predtým, ako sa v tabuľke nižšie dozvieš správne odpovede, skús porozmýšľať, čo tieto spojenia znamenajú:


Cvičenie 1:

V článku vyznač a prelož frázové slovesá.

Emma was a university student who always seemed to come across interesting challenges. One rainy day, she was walking through the campus library when she came across an old, dusty book about ancient myths. Intrigued, she decided to borrow it.

As exams were approaching, it all came down to how well she could manage her time. Despite the stress, Emma knew she had to come along to her study group sessions to stay on track.

One evening, while working on a project, Emma’s laptop started to come apart. Panicked, she called her tech-savvy friend, Leo, hoping he could come around and fix it. Thankfully, Leo managed to repair the laptop, and Emma felt relieved.

During a lecture, her professor announced a surprise project that would come out soon. The students groaned, knowing they were already swamped with work. Emma knew she had to come to terms with the additional workload.

As the deadline approached, Emma’s project wasn’t coming together as she had hoped. She had come up against numerous obstacles, from software issues to lack of research materials. Still, she persevered, determined to make it work.

On presentation day, Emma felt nervous. She hoped everything would come off smoothly. To her surprise, the presentation went well, and her efforts paid off.

After the project, Emma felt a great sense of accomplishment. She realized that no matter what challenges come up, she had the resilience to face them.

Cvičenie 2:

Doplň do vety správne slovo (viď. obrázok vyššie) tak, aby veta dávala zmysel.

  1. Not many people bought the tickets online, but quite a few came ……………… and bought them on spot.
  2. If your story comes ……………………, it will change people’s lives.
  3. When I came ……………………… after my operation, the nurse was smiling at me.
  4. Have the results come …………………..? I want to know what my final score is.
  5. I am planning a surprise birthday party, but I don’t know if it´ll come …………………. .
  6. If the subject comes …………………… in the conversation, just tell them it is your sore point.
  7. Sorry, I can’t come today. Something important came ……………………. .
  8. When I touched it, it came ………………………. in my hands. I didn’t break it.
  9. Don´t worry, you´ll put bleach on it and the stain will come ……………………….. .
  10. In the end, the decision will come ………………………… her parents.
  11. My notebook is coming ……………………….. .  I need glue to put it back together.
  12. We were enjoying our dinner when Dave and his wife came ……………………….. .
  13. Shocking news about our prime minister came …………………… yesterday.
  14. We were walking around the ruins of the castle when we came ……………………. a suspicious door.
  15. We will come ………………………………. some serious issues in the future, but we don’t need to worry about them today.


Tu nájdeš správne odpovede:

Cvičenie 1:

Emma was a university student who always seemed to **come across** interesting challenges. One rainy day, she was walking through the campus library when she **came across** an old, dusty book about ancient myths. Intrigued, she decided to borrow it.

As exams were approaching, it all **came down to** how well she could manage her time. Despite the stress, Emma knew she had to **come along** to her study group sessions to stay on track.

One evening, while working on a project, Emma’s laptop started to **come apart**. Panicked, she called her tech-savvy friend, Leo, hoping he could **come around** and fix it. Thankfully, Leo managed to repair the laptop, and Emma felt relieved.

During a lecture, her professor announced a surprise project that would **come out** soon. The students groaned, knowing they were already swamped with work. Emma knew she had to **come to** terms with the additional workload.

As the deadline approached, Emma’s project wasn’t **coming together** as she had hoped. She had **come up against** numerous obstacles, from software issues to lack of research materials. Still, she persevered, determined to make it work.

On presentation day, Emma felt nervous. She hoped everything would **come off** smoothly. To her surprise, the presentation went well, and her efforts paid off.

After the project, Emma felt a great sense of accomplishment. She realized that no matter what challenges **come up**, she had the resilience to face them.

Cvičenie 2:

Doplň do vety správne slovo (viď. obrázok vyššie) tak, aby veta dávala zmysel.

  • 1. about
  • 2. out
  • 3. out
  • 4. out
  • 5. off
  • 6. up
  • 7. up
  • 8. apart
  • 9. out
  • 10. down to
  • 11. apart
  • 12. along
  • 13. out
  • 14. across
  • 15. up against

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