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Namiesto nášho obvyklého blogového článku sme si pre vás pripravili Reading – text, zameraný na úroveň B1+ / B2, teda pre stredne pokročilých. Prečítaj si nasledujúci text a vypracuj úlohy. 

Regular coffee drinkers had lower chance of dying in 7-year period

People who drink a moderate amount of coffee—up to 3 1/2 cups a day—might have a better chance at a longer life span, even if their coffee is lightly sweetened with sugar, according to research published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

For about seven years, the researchers tracked the coffee consumption and health of 171,616 participants, who were an average of nearly 56 years old and were free of cancer and cardiovascular disease when the study started. They found that those who regularly drank 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 cups of coffee a day, whether plain or sweetened with about a teaspoon of sugar, were up to 30% less likely to die in that time frame from any cause, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, than were those who did not drink coffee.

The type of coffee—whether instant, ground, or decaffeinated—made no difference, but the results were described as inconclusive for the use of artificial sweeteners. The latest research does not prove that coffee alone was responsible for participants‘ lowered mortality risk. Still, over the years, research has revealed a variety of health benefits for coffee, linking its consumption to a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and more.

Nutritionists often attribute the benefits of coffee to the abundance of antioxidants in coffee beans, which may help reduce internal inflammation and cell damage and protect against disease. Drinking caffeinated coffee also provides an energy boost and increased alertness. Caffeine, however, can disrupt sleep and be risky during pregnancy.

Source: The Washington Post · Linda Searingr (2022)

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Úloha č. 1

Napíš anglické definície k vyznačeným slovám (pomôž si s výkladovým slovníkom):






type 2 diabetes

Parkinson’s disease






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Úloha č. 3

Odpovedaj na nasledujúce otázky:

  1. Are you a coffee drinker? If yes, describe your coffee drinking habits. If no, explain why not.
  2. Do you believe that coffee has health benefits? What do you think the findings would be for excessive coffee drinkers?
  3. The debate about the health benefits and risks of caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages is ongoing. Which side are you on?
  4. Can coffee help you live longer? Share your opinion. Include at least one mention of this research study.

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