I´m not dead

Four years ago, Jeanne Pouchain´s husband got a letter from a court which said that his wife died, and he had to pay her debts. It was a crazy moment for the man because his wife was standing next to him.

The court´s mistake meant that the woman was legally dead. The woman started a long fight with authorities to prove that she was alive. Pouchain lost work, and she did not have a valid ID and social security card. It meant that she could not go to the doctor and dentist, and her health started to get worse.

Pouchain´s family spent all their savings on court costs, and the court even took some of their things. Now, it seems that the court may look at Pouchain´s case again, and she could finally feel alive again.

Zdroj: English News

Slovná zásoba:

  • a court - súd
  • debts - dlhy
  • to prove - dokázať
  • a valid ID - platný občiansky preukaz
  • social security card - kartička poistenca
  • savings - úspory


1. Označ, či je tvrdenie pravdivé alebo nepravdivé (T-true, F- false).

  1. A lawyer called Mr Pouchain to court.
  2. The court wrote him that he must pay his wife´s debts.
  3. His wife died.
  4. Mrs Pouchain couldn´t go to the doctor because she had an invalid social security card.
  5. Pouchain´s family used all their savings on court costs.
  6. Mrs Pouchain is legally alive again.


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