The Phantom of the Opera - 1 The Dancers

"Quick! Close the door! It´s him" Annie ran into the dressing room. Her face was white. One girl ran and closed the door. They all turned to Annie.

"Who? Where? What´s happening?" they asked.

"It´s the ghost!" Annie said "I saw him in the corridor. He came through the wall! I saw his face." All the girls were scared, but one started laughing.

"Everybody says they see the Opera ghost, but there isn´t any ghost! You only saw your shadow on the wall," she said.

"Many people see him," another girl said. "Joseph saw him two days ago too. He said that the ghost was wearing a black coat." A third girl added, "He has a head of a dead man, with no nose, no eyes, only black holes!"

Meg cried, "Don´t talk about him! He doesn´t like it. My mom told me that he has his own box and that he watches the plays and leaves flowers in his box. She never sees him, she only hears him."

The dancers talked about the ghost before the opera, during the opera and after the opera. They talked very quietly and always looked around.

When the opera ended, they went into the dressing room and they heard somebody in the corridor. Madame Giry, Meg´s mother, ran into the room.

"Oh, girls!" she cried. "Joseph is dead! Other workers found his body with a rope around his neck an hour ago."

"The ghost killed him," Meg cried.

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Slovná zásoba:

  • a dressing room - šatňa
  • what´s happening - čo sa deje
  • ghost - duch
  • through - cez
  • to be scared - báť sa
  • shadow - tieň
  • a rope - lano

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