Discovering a skeleton


Tommy and Johnny were best friends who loved playing outside in the fields near their homes. One sunny afternoon, while exploring the fields, they stumbled upon a strange object buried in the ground. As they dug around it, they realized it was a human skeleton. The boys were frightened and ran back to Tommy's house to tell his mother what they had found.

Tommy's mother immediately called the police, and within a few minutes, officers arrived at the scene. They carefully dug up the remains and took them to the lab for further investigation. Tommy and Johnny were questioned by the police and asked to describe exactly where they had found the skeleton.

As days passed, Tommy began to feel a deep sense of sadness and fear. He couldn't stop thinking about the skeleton and wondered who it could have been. His mother tried to comfort him, but he was inconsolable. Eventually, the results came back from the lab, and it was discovered that the skeleton was that of Tommy's long lost mother.

Tommy's mother had been in a difficult marriage with an abusive ex-husband who had taken their son away from her when he was just a baby. She had never given up hope of finding her son and had been searching for him for years. Unfortunately, she had met a tragic end before she could be reunited with her child.

Tommy was devastated by the news. He had always wondered about his mother and had always hoped that she would come back for him someday. Now he knew that she had been so close all along, buried just beneath the earth.

The police launched an investigation into the mother's death, and it was soon discovered that her ex-husband had been responsible for her murder. He was apprehended and taken into custody, and Tommy was placed into foster care until a permanent home could be found for him.

Although Tommy had lost his mother again, he was comforted by the fact that she had been found and her killer had been brought to justice. He knew that she had always loved him, and he was grateful for the time they had spent together before she was taken away. Johnny was there for him every step of the way, helping him cope with his grief and reminding him that he was not alone.


Tommy a Johnny boli najlepší kamaráti, ktorí sa radi hrávali vonku na poliach v blízkosti svojich domovov. Jedného slnečného popoludnia pri skúmaní polí narazili na zvláštny predmet zakopaný v zemi. Keď ho obkopali, zistili, že je to ľudská kostra. Chlapci boli vystrašení a utekali do Tommyho domu, aby povedali jeho matke, čo našli.

Tommyho matka okamžite zavolala políciu a o niekoľko minút na miesto dorazili policajti. Opatrne vykopali pozostatky a odniesli ich do laboratória na ďalšie vyšetrovanie. Polícia Tommyho a Johnnyho vypočula a požiadala ich, aby presne opísali, kde kostru našli.

Ako dni plynuli, Tommy začal pociťovať hlboký smútok a strach. Nemohol prestať myslieť na kostru a premýšľal, kto to mohol byť. Jeho matka sa ho snažila utešiť, ale bol neutešený. Nakoniec prišli výsledky z laboratória a zistilo sa, že kostra patrí Tommyho dávno stratenej matke.

Tommyho matka mala ťažké manželstvo s násilníckym bývalým manželom, ktorý jej vzal syna, keď bol ešte dieťa. Nikdy sa nevzdala nádeje, že syna nájde, a hľadala ho celé roky. Nanešťastie ju postihol tragický koniec skôr, ako sa mohla opäť stretnúť so svojím dieťaťom.

Tommyho táto správa zdrvila. Vždy sa zaujímal o svoju matku a vždy dúfal, že sa preňho jedného dňa vráti. Teraz vedel, že bola celý čas tak blízko, pochovaná tesne pod zemou.

Polícia začala vyšetrovať matkinu smrť a čoskoro sa zistilo, že za jej vraždou stojí jej bývalý manžel. Bol zadržaný a vzatý do väzby a Tommy bol umiestnený do pestúnskej starostlivosti, kým sa preňho nenájde trvalý domov.

Hoci Tommy opäť stratil matku, utešovalo ho, že sa našla a jej vrah bol postavený pred súd. Vedel, že ho vždy milovala, a bol vďačný za čas, ktorý spolu strávili, kým ju odviedli. Johnny bol pri ňom na každom kroku, pomáhal mu vyrovnať sa so smútkom a pripomínal mu, že nie je sám.